
These articles are here for you to read, share with colleagues and download for your newsletters or magazines. Articles are grouped under these headings:

Career development practitioners

Articles for career practitioners to support their practice and business growth.
Articles on working with career practitioners.

Career presentations

Articles for people who give talks at meetings, seminars, trade fairs, conferences etc about their career.

Job applications

Articles for people applying for jobs in the public sector. Covers applications, resumes, letters, referees.

Job interviews

Articles for applicants facing public sector interviews.

Managers/selection panels

Articles to help managers and selection panels with attracting, recruiting, selecting, engaging and retaining staff.

Career Management

Articles for applicants wishing to actively manage their careers, and articles for managers to assist staff manage careers.


Articles for graduates applying for public sector jobs.


Articles that explain what skills and capabilities mean, including articles for specific levels in the public sector.

Daring Dames: Growing in confidence, clarity, commitment

Articles related to Gorgeous Daring Dames, a confidence-building book for women.

Sensemaking, Communicating with influence 

Articles on what sensemaking is all about. Articles on refining skills based on mind and language practices.

Using Our Articles
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  • You use the articles unchanged so that you acknowledge their source.
  • You advise via Contact Us that you have downloaded the article and when and where you intend using it, with a web link where possible.

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Thank you for your co-operation and we wish you nourishing reading!