You have completed your graduate program with a government department. You now need to apply for a permanent position. This might be a mere formality. It might be a competitive selection process. Either way, it is worth being prepared.
Here are some questions to consider in your preparations for the interview.
- What did you gain from the graduate program?
- What has been your main contribution during the last twelve months?
- What was the best/worst thing about the program?
- How would you suggest the program could be improved?
- What did you learn about yourself during the program?
- What do you regard as your strengths?
- How do you see yourself using these to our (the department’s) benefit?
- Where do you see yourself contributing to the department in the near future?
- Where do you see your career heading with us?
- What have you learnt from the various training programs you attended?
- What has been the most challenging problem you have faced during the year?
- What has been a challenging interpersonal situation you have faced with colleagues?
- With clients or stakeholders?
- How has your view of the department changed as a result of the graduate program?
- How have you demonstrated your leadership potential?
- What have you learnt about teamwork?
- How have you demonstrated teamwork during the year?
Dr Ann Villiers, career coach, writer and author, is Australia’s only Mental Nutritionist specialising in mind and language practices that help people build flexible thinking, confident speaking and quality connections with people.
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