How to download an e-product: Please note: there is a 48 hour window for downloading
Before you order products you may find it useful to review these notes on downloading products.
1. Products in the Product Store are either free or are purchased. The steps for downloading these products are the same.
2. Products in the Product Store are mainly e-products [i.e. electronic products not hard copy]. There is only one hard copy book, which is Gorgeous Daring Dames. This book carries a postage cost.
3. The e-products are in two formats: PDF, or MP3 (audio).
4. After completing your order, including purchase if needed, you will receive an email containing the link or links to the e-products.
5. You must respond to this email immediately. There is a 48 hour time span from when the email is sent to you, during which you have access to the e-product link. Once this time has elapsed you will no longer have access to the link.
5. Click on the link to download the file.
6. You must save this file. To save the file click on Save the file. If you don’t save the file you will not have access to the file once the time available expires.
7. If you only click Save the file will be saved to your computer/device, in a Downloads file.
8. If you click Save As, you can choose where you save the files to on your computer/device. This will make it easier to locate the file in the future.
9. If you can’t remember where you filed your e-products, you can search using *.PDF, or *.MP3.
10. Your computer/device will need appropriate software to read these files.
What not to do:
- Do not just open a link. You need to save the document to your computer/device.